This is an inquiry about participation in a data collection titled ”Understanding the challenges of security practice in healthcare”.
Who is responsible for the research project?
eHealth and Welfare Security (eHWS) research group group at the Center of Cyber and Information Security (CCIS), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the institution responsible for the testing.
This data collection is a PhD project by NTNU student Muhammad Ali Fauzi (, supervised by Bian Yang ( and Christoph Busch (
Why are you being asked to participate?
The participants are healthcare staffs selected from Indonesia, Ghana, and Norway.
What does participation involve for you?
The particioants will fill a questionnaire about cybersecurity practices in healthcare.
Participation is voluntary
Participation in the project is voluntary. If you chose to participate, you can withdraw your consent at any time without giving a reason. All information about you will then be made anonymous. There will be no negative consequences for you if you chose not to participate or later decide to withdraw.
Your personal privacy – how we will store and use your personal data
We will only use your personal data for the purpose(s) specified in this information letter. We will process your personal data confidentially and in accordance with data protection legislation (the General Data Protection Regulation and Personal Data Act).
• All the data will be stored in a dedicated project server in NTNU and only the PhD student (Muhammad Ali Fauzi) and his supervisors (Bian Yang and Christoph Busch) can access the data.
• After the project complete, we will keep for 10 years, anonymized, used for future work.
• If the project owner see that it is necessary to have a copy of the collected data outside the dedicated project server, the data subjects shall be contacted and sought for a concern.
What will happen to your personal data at the end of the research project?
The project is scheduled to end in 17 June 2022. The data will be anonymised at the end of the project and will be stored in the NTNU database for future works purpose. Only the PhD student (Muhammad Ali Fauzi) and his supervisors can access the data.
Your rights
Before the data fully collected and during any session of the data collection, you have the rights to:
• Stop immediately and withdraw your participation, delete the data in the previous sessions without any explanation
• To be informed of the uses of the data to be collected
So long as you can be identified in the collected data, you have the right to:
• request an access the personal data that is being processed about you
• request that your personal data is deleted
• request that incorrect personal data about you is corrected/rectified
• receive a copy of your personal data (data portability), and
• send a complaint to the Data Protection Officer or The Norwegian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data
Where can I find out more?
If you have questions about the project, or want to exercise your rights, contact:
• eHWS-CCIS NTNU via Muhammad Ali Fauzi ( or Bian Yang (
• Our Data Protection Officer: Thomas Helgesen (
• NSD – The Norwegian Centre for Research Data AS, by email: ( or by telephone: +47 55 58 21 17.
Consent form
I have received and understood information about the data collection project and have been given the opportunity to ask questions. I give consent to participate in the data collection.